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How to Lower pH in Pool

By Champions Pool


Swimming pool maintenance is something you can’t avoid when owning a pool. Now that it’s summer, you just want to relax in the cool water or enjoy the time with your family. So it’s time to keep your pool chemically balanced and properly sanitized. 

Maintaining the proper chemical balance in your pool water not only keeps the water clean and safe, it also helps protect the components of your pool, like the filter and pump, from excessive damage.

What is the pH Level in Your Pool?

The pH level of your pool water is the measure of its acidity. The acids and the alkalis need to be balanced. Water that is either too acidic or too alkaline will make the chemicals in your pool unbalanced and potentially ineffective.

If the water is too alkaline, the chlorine will lose its power to destroy pathogens and can cause scaling on the surface of the pool and the plumbing. You’ll know if there’s too much alkaline if the pool water becomes cloudy.

If the water is too acidic, the chlorine will dissipate faster, corrode metal equipment, cause irritation and dryness to the skin and stinging to the eyes.

If both the acid and alkaline are too high, the effectiveness of the chlorine will be drastically reduced. This signifies the importance of a properly balanced pool.

How to lower pH level in pool

The pH in chlorine pools can get high over time or because there are too many chemicals in the water.

The two main chemicals that are used to bring down the pH levels of a pool are sodium bisulfate and muriatic acid.

Sodium Bisulfate

Also called “dry acid,” is a chemical that comes in a powder form. If you are looking for it at a pool supply store, it’s often referred to as “pH Decreaser.”

To use the product, pour it into your return jet sites, which is where the water enters the pool. Then allow the dry acid to dissolve—about 15 minutes. You will need to repeat the process if the pH and alkalinity remain too high.

Muriatic Acid

This chemical comes in a liquid form and balances your pool chemistry by lowering total alkalinity and pH levels that have become too high. It’s also known as hydrochloric acid, and since it’s a strong chemical, you should always use it with caution and store access product in a cool, dry and well-ventilated area.

Most pool-owners are familiar with this chemical acid because it’s commonly used to clean pool filters.

To use the liquid, turn the pump off and pour it into the deepest end of the water. Or, you can add it to the pool at the return jets. Your pump will then disseminate the acid throughout the water.

Champions Dependable Pool Services

Adding sodium bisulfate or muriatic acid to your pool can be dangerous if not done correctly. It can also be difficult when trying to lower the pH, as you need to know with proper measurement and accuracy what adjustments you should make. Muriatic acid is very caustic. If you’re not careful, in seconds the product can burn your skin, and the acid’s vapor can lead to severe respiratory problems.

Using a swimming pool maintenance service is your best bet to regular care and cleaning. You can attempt to find inventive ways to get the job done on your own, leaving the potential for injury, or stay safe and leave it to a dependable swimming pool maintenance service who can professionally clean your pool so you don’t risk you or your family’s health.

So whether you choose muriatic acid or sodium bisulfate when the pH balance is off, it’s best to leave it to professionals like Champions dependable pool services to ensure your pool is crystal clear all summer long and beyond.

If you’re interested in hiring a dependable pool service, look no further than Champions Pool Repair and Service. Call (261)355-8504 for peace of mind and ensure this summer your pool is relaxing and worry-free.

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