27030 Kuykendahl RD Suite 120

How To Close Your Pool To Make Your Springtime Opening Easier

We are all sad to see summertime go. No more pool parties, laying out working on a tan, cannonballs in the deep end, or watching your kids or grandkids splash around as they laugh and play. Yes, it is a sad time because the season here in Houston, Texas is changing. We don’t get a lot of hard-core winters like most people get across the United States, but we do get a change in the weather. Hurricane season is here and it is that time for most people in Houston close their pool. Winterizing is the most important thing you can do to make your springtime pool opening as easy as possible. Here are a few tips to help you make your pool closing an easier one:


As summer winds down, many pool owners in the Houston, Texas area are wondering how to prepare their pool for the change in climate that fall brings. Champions Pool Repair & Services recommends these five steps to keep your pool in great condition for the upcoming season:


As Houston, Texas prepares for heavy rains and tropical storms, people are wondering how to protect their pool. If you’re a pool owner in the Houston area, how will you adjust to the extreme weather? (more…)

Summertime means fun in the sun and lots of time by the pool. Especially living in North Houston, this gives our community an advantage during the summer. Our summers seem to last longer since the sun sticks around all the way from May to September. So, if you are looking to have some fun this summer in your own backyard, consider a pool party with all your friends and family. Add a few of these ideas to your next party or poolside BBQ and see how many compliments you get for being an excellent host. (more…)

Does the Rain Change the Water Chemistry in My Swimming Pool?

Yes, rain changes the water chemistry in your swimming pool since rainwater is acidic. However, small amounts of rain will not hurt your pool or the water balance. The average pH in your pool is most likely higher than the pH of any rainfall. Your average swimming pool will have a pH level of about 7.5. A pH of 7.5 is safe for swimmers’ eyes and skin so try to maintain this number for a clean pool. If swimmers feel burning in their eyes while swimming, you want to save your pool and adjust the pH balance. You do not want to swim in a pool where the pH is too low or too acidic. Fresh rainfall usually contains a pH level of 5.0. Heavier rains or major storms will alter your swimming pool and the water chemistry. (more…)

There is no doubt about it. You must regularly sanitize your pool if you or any guests ever want to go swimming. There are endless reasons why you should maintain the cleanliness of your pool. In addition to the appearance of your swimming pool, there are several health concerns with dirty pool water. Even though we know pool cleaning is important, consider what happens when you forget to sanitizer your pool water. Each week your pool needs sanitizing. If your pool needs cleaning or you have questions about the condition of your pool, contact Champions Pool Repair & Service. (more…)

Let ALEX test your pool water. ALEX is a new resource from BioGuard that allows pool owners to better test their pool water. Since the water balance is one of the most important parts of your pool, regularly test the water quality. Above all, this water testing system is changing the way pool technicians and pool owners maintain their swimming pool. (more…)

When you own a swimming pool, you must be responsible for the weekly upkeep of your pool. One of the most important parts of regular pool maintenance is the water quality. If your pool water does not have the right balance, it is noticeable to all your friends and guests. Not only is it unattractive, but a water imbalance is also harmful and potentially dangerous to any swimmers. Once you find the right balance for your pool water, follow a normal pool care schedule that focuses on the quality and appearance of your pool. Always maintain the right water balance for your pool or contact Champions Pool Repair & Service for help. (more…)

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Proin libero arcu, placerat non, fermentum non, congue ut, tellus.Quisque nec nisi ac pede ultrices gravida. Nunc id elit. Donec nec est. Quisque id risus. Aenean porttitor lectus sit amet magna. In vehicula elementum ligula. Mauris metus turpis, iaculis ac, hendrerit vel, pretium non, magna. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

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Suspendisse sed arcu et neque euismod tincidunt.Duis pede. Fusce cursus dapibus ligula. Ut vel felis nec urna commodo tincidunt. Pellentesque ullamcorper, odio sed tempus sodales, justo lectus faucibus neque, a mollis augue arcu at pede. Proin id ipsum. Phasellus nec nisi a pede bibendum commodo. Nullam tincidunt ultricies elit. Duis cursus. Vivamus in pede quis erat condimentum adipiscing. Sed tempus tempor orci.

Sed tristique aliquam justo. Morbi semper, metus ac pulvinar adipiscing, dui justo gravida arcu, et venenatis justo lacus ut nisi. Nunc tempus mauris et lectus. Pellentesque consectetuer, felis vel rhoncus scelerisque, velit enim porttitor nisi, vitae accumsan nibh felis eu elit. Aliquam malesuada mauris et metus. Maecenas rutrum euismod nibh.Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Proin libero arcu, placerat non, fermentum non, congue ut, tellus.Quisque nec nisi ac pede ultrices gravida. Nunc id elit. Donec nec est. Quisque id risus. Aenean porttitor lectus sit amet magna. In vehicula elementum ligula. Mauris metus turpis, iaculis ac, hendrerit vel, pretium non, magna. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

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