April is known for beautiful flowers, warm weather, and a problem for many pool owners: rainstorms. While many people enjoy cuddling up with a blanket and listing to the rain falling on the roof, these storms can mean bad news for your pool, often leaving it dirty, green, or cloudy. As Spring, Texas’, leading pool company, Champions Pool Repair & Service knows that pool owners want to keep their pool looking as beautiful as possible, so we’ve laid out some steps to help you clean your pool after an April shower:
Swim season is here and many Spring, Texas, pool owners are ready to start enjoying fun times in the water with their family and friends. However, if your pool is in need of repairs, you may not be as ready for the start of swim season as you thought. While some issues with your pool can be easily fixed with products from your local pool supply store, there are some repairs that only a pool expert can help you with. Champions Pool Repair & Service understands that you don’t want to miss a single moment of swim season, so we’ve laid out some signs that your pool needs the help of a professional before enjoying the season: